Xc om download
Xc om download

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PSI_TRAINING_HOURS=100 (LWR Default = 100) Percent chance, when triggering a kill cinematic, that it will actually play (note: kill cinematics will often not trigger, so even at 100% you will find much less than 50% of your kills leading to cinematics) PSI_GIFT_CHANCE=100 (LWR Default = 100) Percent chance, upon revealing a pod, that a reveal cinematic will play NUM_STARTING_SOLDIERS=4 (LWR Default = 4) Female gender chance: a 3 means 1/3 will be female, a 2 is 1/2, a 4 is 1/4, etc. SKYRANGER_CAPACITY=8 (LWR Default = 8) Base number of units allowed on the Skyranger on UFO missions - Only affects new campaigns (Note: Other missions have less than this and you can see Squad Sizes for more info)

Xc om download